ph: USA 1 617 269 2415
alt: USA 1 617 308 1937
To provide necessary medicines and food within a controlled environment to a targeted group of HIV positive children and mothers in order to ensure a quality of life consistent with their healthy peers and surroundings; first priority is to the children.
HIV-positive children around the world lack the medications to
to enjoy a quality of life consistent with their society and
surroundings. Current estimates indicate that over 80% of the HIV affected people worldwide (and 88% of children) lack the
appropriate medicines to sustain good health (source: UNAIDS).
This private group will provide funding and oversight for medicines for HIV positive children and mothers, on a limited basis, to specified orphanage(s) or community situational programs (mother /child care programs) within these site(s). Children should be living at the site or visiting daily and attending school full time as appropriate. Other situational sites can be identified.
Funding for purchase of appropriate medicines and food as necessary will be first priority.
Microfinacing, house purchase, educational and psychological counseling are other aspects for consideration.
Oversight visits on a twice-yearly basis for five years will occur, renewable as necessary (funded privately).
Education: These children can be ostracized by society. Home/private schooling may be needed at a cost of US$20.00 per child per month.Computers with up-to-date technology may be needed.Future staff training will be assessed and a plan developed as needed.
Medical care: Currently HIV/AIDS medicines are provided through international grants and direct purchase; drugs for opportunistic diseasessuch as TB must be purchased. A central medical clinic has been established with a grant from the CDC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Microfinancing: Additional income producing activities need to be identified, e.g. flower shops, coffee shops, pastry shops, arts and crafts, etc.
Please use the PayPal button below or at the top of the page to donate $50 online. Or consider $100, $250, or $500 to support this life saving program. Join supporters worldwide who are supporting this extraordinary work of love and compassion.
Father John Toai with an orphaned child
ph: USA 1 617 269 2415
alt: USA 1 617 308 1937